Technically, this isn't my first time blogging. I still remember the days when I put crappy posts on my MSN myspace.
Actually, I don't even know the real reason I started this blog. Maybe it's to keep my friends and family updated, or maybe it's because I see all my frens blogging and I feel left out.
Well enough said. I was squeezing my brain juice dry just to think of a nice way to start my introduction post. Had several suggestions from my friends but I found a nice way in the end. Well here goes.
Currently, I am furthering my studies abroad in the States at Embry-Riddle.
No, that's not my school uniform. It's my uniform for my on campus job. I'm dirt poor so I have no choice but to work. My job goes from changing a light bulb to fixing furnitures. Yes, furnitures.
Yea his name is Rob. Other person I usually work with is Tom.
That's about it for my work place. As I do not have too many pictures of my school yet, I'll show you guys something interesting I saw in my class the other day.
Notice the sprinkler on the top left corner of the picture? Haha yea that was written on the ceiling. The person who wrote that was definitely right. My class definitely sucked. But if you think about it, whoever wrote that thing, his class must suck even more.
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