Eversince last week, my university's event organizing club, Touch-N-Go Productions, has been putting up posters and giving out flyers about the Gym Class Hereoes Concert.
Although Touch-N-Go Productions gets an annual budget of 100 thousand USD, I was pretty surprised that they managed to get hold of an actual band. By actual band, I mean bands with music videos on MTV.
Not crappy bands they hire from local bars.
But then again, you gotta give them credit once in a while.
Friday night came and the much anticipated event is about to start. I went there a little early as I had time on my hands and decided to get a good spot at the concert. We were waiting and waiting till 8.00 pm for the concert to start.
When it was finally 8.00 pm, the lights were dimmed and some figures began getting on stage. The speakers blasted and the spot lights were turned on. Much to my disappointment, I only saw 2 monkeys jumping up and down on stage. No Gym Class Heroes =(.
Just when I thought they were finally going to get off the stage and let the pros do the job, another crappy band with a lead singer that looks like a pimp came on stage.
They introduced themselves as "Kidz In The Hallz." Kids my ass, even the graduate students in my university is younger than their youngest member. And once again, they were disappoiting. They performed for a whole 30 minutes before they are willing to leave the stage.
Things didn't heat up till GCH came on stage.
One thing I can say is GCH came prepared. They even had their own little flag.
Things started to get a little crazy too, several people even got lifted up and got thrown to the side.
And yes, taking that picture was the gayest thing I did. (I'm straight, mind you.)
GCH continue playing a few songs till it was time for them to go. During their encore, Travis McCoy actually came down to the audience to liven things up.
Overall, although the first half of the concert was pretty bad, it was a good experience (considering that it is free because it was organised by my school).